Phil Brigandi sharing time with Jim Sleeper and Esther Cramer, 2008 (Courtesy Nola Sleeper).

Phil Brigandi sharing time with Jim Sleeper and Esther Cramer, 2008 (Courtesy Nola Sleeper).

Some Orange County Historians

More than most professions, local historians stand firmly on the shoulders of the scholars who went before them. This is certainly true in Orange County, where connections from historian to historian take us back more than a century. I am honored to be a link in that chain, and so want to share something of the story of the men and women who have done so much to preserve our local history. All books make more sense when you know something about the author.

--Phil Brigandi

* An Orange Shelf - 60 of the Best Books About Orange County

* Don Meadows - A Remarkable Life

* Esther Cramer (1927-2012)

* Jim Sleeper - Orange County Historian

* Terry E. Stephenson (1880-1943)

* A Conversation with Don Meadows

* Leo J. Friis - Anaheim's "Historian Laureate"

* The Friis-Pioneer Press