Tustin City

(Anaheim Gazette, October 21, 1871)

This new town, which so long existed only on paper, has of late commenced growing rapidly and nearly every week we have new improvements to record. A good hotel 28 feet square and two stories high has been built by Mr. T.M. Rickert and will soon be ready for the public. Several dwellings are in progress of construction and the ground has already been staked off for the large stone building heretofore mentioned in the Gazette. The offer which Mr. Tustin made through our columns to donate lots and other aid to the society first building a church, has been accepted by the Methodist Episcopal church who have organized a society there and will build the church in the spring. Rev. Mr. Leihy preaches at the school house tomorrow, at 11 a.m. A church choir has also been organized.

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Tustin City

(Anaheim Gazette, November 18, 1871)

TUSTIN CITY. – This flourishing town still continues to grow and thrive. Mr. Tustin informs us that he sold 13 town lots last week and donated 12 more to families settling there. The “Tustin City Union Sabbath School” has just been organized and meets regularly at the Union school-house. Mr. Barris from Petaluma is just building. Rev. Mr. Leihy from San Bernardino moved down to Tustin City this week, having already erected a dwelling there.

There are 7 houses now erected including the hotel and school house. The hotel built by Mr. T.M. Rickert is about ready to open.